Maplestory Reboot Second Pendant Slot

Maplestory reboot second pendant slot light

You can drag it to an open slot (the ones without a lock) or double clicking on them. Once a Node is in a slot, it is activated and will show up in your 5th Job skill tab. Remember that you can't equip a Boost Node that has the same skill at the top of the set of skills. Pendant of the Spirit: None None Pendant of the Spirit: None None Pendant of the Spirit: None None Special Pendant of the Spirit: None All Stats: +2 Pendant of the Spirit: None None Pendant of the Spirit: None None Bow-tie (Blue) Level 50 Defense: +5 Bow-tie (Pink) Level 50 Defense: +9 Curbrock's Pendant: Level 60 ALL sTATS: +4 Defense: +50.

Hello Nexon Representative:

I was unable to parse the bit about EMS ('much more similar reason than you may imagine,' what?)

There was no reason given as to why GMS will not offer these again. In fact, he denies the only reason we (believed we) had been given, about NexonNA getting in trouble with NexonKR when it was offered before.

TBH I don't know what there is to discuss.

Obviously all the users want them back. At least, all the ones who aren't such hardcore pre-BB'ers as to want all Hyper Rocks of all durations deleted from the game.

Equally obviously, NexonNA does not want to bring them back and does not want to tell us why. But really, the only reason possible, since Korea has been ruled out, is money. They think they are making more off the temporary rocks than they would make off permanent ones. Good luck convincing them otherwise.

As I have repeatedly stated, for my own case: I have never bought a temporary Hyper Rock, and never intend to, unless the prices are reduced drastically (like, a one-year rock for the price of the current 30-day one). However, I have bought 4 permanent ones, and if they are offered again I will buy at least two, probably more, depending on price. I believe there are many other players like me.

This is a suggestion that has been constantly pestered and has never been done after the first incident. I'll assume the description given the reason why they never intend to sell it again could be taken as a grain of salt since years has passed.

As for myself, I've never bought a temporary Hyper Teleport Rock or an Additional Pendant Slot due to the ridiculous pricing of the item, along with other items in the Cash Shop. If they were offered for permanent duration that doesn't have a limited amount of stock, I may reconsider buying one of each. These items are considered game-breaking if they were offered for permanent duration, which I would completely understand of not being sold again.


Gachapon Ticket Bundle Pricing Error

Earlier today an error was made in the Cash Shop update related to the Gachapon Ticket (11) bundle where it was mistakenly priced at 1,500 NX instead of 10,000 NX.


Can we get a revanp for the maplestory2 profession please?

Transform potions/recipes. Any chance of getting more monsters added? I actually enjoy making them and I do sell them in my shop pretty cheap for others to enjoy


MapleStory 2 Heavy Gunner Teaser

There’s a few other MapleStory 2 related things as well as a confirmation about the next patch of the Creation 12 update! So read on~


MapleStory 2006 vs 2015

I actually remember most of these changes, or old features before I took breaks and they disappeared. Good memories. I remember when I thought getting to level 50 was an accomplishment


maplestory2 QampA about Alpha Test

Just as it called, it is before the beta testing. Most games which are in Alpha are usually tested by the company itself but for Maplestory 2, we decided to open it up and invite players so they can have fun and test it out so when open testing is released, we want all of you to enjoy it.


MapleStory Hard Magnus Suggestion

While I'm very much aware that these threads are a dime a dozen, I think that with the V patch coming up

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