Josh Hale Poker

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  2. Josh Hale Poker Trainer
  3. Josh Hale Poker
  4. Josh Hale Poker Tournament

Josh Hale wins the WPT Legends of Poker. SI TRUMP SABE DE POKER, AMLO ES BUENO PARA AJEDREZ. FUE DISCURSO DIGNO: JOHN ACKERMAN EN SIN CENSURA. World Poker Tour Legends of Poker attracted a field of 622 players this time. When the final table with last 6 players started yesterday Josh Hale had the chip lead, but not many believed that the unknown American would have a chance against experiened players such as Ali Eslami, Greg Mueller, Jeff Madsen etc.

Rich Ryan

Josh Hale Poker Player

On Wednesday, after four days of battle at the Bicycle Casino in Los Angeles, California, the final six players returned for Day 5 of the World Poker Tour Legends of Poker. Josh Hale held a commanding chip lead with over 7.3 million chips. His closest competitor, Greg Mueller, began the day with almost 3.5 million chips.

WPT Legends of Poker Final Table

1Max Steinberg1,020,000
2Jeff Madsen1,030,000
3Raouf Malek3,130,000
4Greg Mueller3,490,000
5Josh Hale7,325,000
6Ali Eslami2,900,000

According to the World Poker Tour Live Updates team, on the 20th hand of the final table, the action folded to Max Steinberg, who called out of the small blind. Jeff Madsen, commanding the shortest stack at the table, moved all in from the big blind. Steinberg called with , dominating Madsen's . Then the flop, turn and river came , eliminating Madsen in sixth place with $75,400.

On Hand #56, the third hand of Level 30 (50,000/100,000/10,000), Mueller moved all in from under the gun for around 2 million. Action folded to Steinberg in the small blind and he tanked before reshoving all in. Raouf Malek surrendered his big blind and the hands were opened to a classic race situation with Mueller's slightly ahead of Steinberg's , and the flop kept Mueller in the lead. The turned, however, giving Steinberg a better pair and the completed the board. Mueller was eliminated in fifth place, taking home $97,100.

Four hands later, Malek doubled through Ali Eslami, leaving Eslami with just 120,000 chips (less than two big blinds). The action started when Hale raised to 210,000 from under the gun. Eslami called on the button, and Malek moved all in for 2.4 million from the big blind. Hale folded, and Eslami tank-called. Eslami's was dominated by Malek's , and the board ran out .

Miraculously, in the next six hands, Eslami doubled, tripled, then doubled again, rocketing his stack up to over 1.5 million chips. On the seventh hand after being crippled, Eslami effectively three-bet jammed (he left one chip behind as a card protector) over a raise from Malek and a call from Hale. Malek tank-folded, Hale quickly called, and Eslami's were way ahead of Hale's . The board came , and suddenly Eslami was back up to 3.4 million chips (34 big blinds).

Hale, who had been dominating, dropped to 6.5 million chips, and on the 74th hand lost another sizable pot to Eslami. For the first time at the final table, Hale was not the chip leader.

Josh hale poker player

Hale's stack continued to drop, and he was even all-in and at risk on Hand #87 against Malek. Hale's out-raced Malek's as the board came , giving Hale the chip lead once again. Malek was now up against the ropes, but then he tripled up through Hale and Eslami two hands later when both players held kings! Malek's was of course trailing, but he spiked an ace on the turn to stay alive.

Finally, nearly 40 hands after Mueller was eliminated in fifth place, Eslami bowed out in fourth. Hale limped the button with the blinds at 60,000/120,000/20,000, and Eslami moved all in from the small blind. Steinberg asked for a count, then reshoved from the big blind. Hale folded. It was another race with Eslami holding and Steinberg . There was a king on the flop, giving Steinberg a commanding lead, and the turn and river came , , respectively. Eslami was eliminated but earned $133,700 for his efforts.

Josh Hale Poker Trainer

Malek, Hale, and Steinberg battled back and forth three handed, but Steinberg maintained the chip lead throughout. On Hand #119, Malek opened to 300,000 on the button, and Steinberg defended his big blind. The flop was , Steinberg checked, and Malek continued for 325,000. Steinberg called. The turn was the , and both players checked. The completed the board, and Steinberg led out for 900,000. Malek raised to 3 million, and Steinberg moved all in. Malek called with for a king-high straight, but Steinberg turned over for Broadway, eliminating Malek in third place ($192,400).

Heads Up Chip Counts

Max Steinberg14,150,000
Josh Hale4,550,000

On the 13th hand of heads-up play, after chipping up a bit, Hale received a monster double-up. The blinds were 100,000/200,000/25,000 when Steinberg raised to 500,000 on the button. Hale called, and the flop came . Hale checked, Steinberg fired 550,000, and Hale moved all in for just under 5 million. Steinberg called with for tens and sixes, and Hale showed for a naked flush draw. The turn was red, but the was no help to Hale. The spiked on the river however, and Hale took down the pot with a flush, taking a near two-to-one chip lead.

Hale never looked back, and on Hand #145, it was all over. Hale raised to 550,000 with the blinds at 125,000/250,000/25,000. Steinberg quickly moved all in for 3.25 million, and Hale snapped it off. Hale tabled , and Steinberg showed . The board ran out , and Hale was the champion of the 2012 WPT Legends of Poker.

WPT Legends of Poker Final Table Payouts

1Josh Hale$500,000
2Max Steinberg$293,490
3Raouf Malek$192, 400
4Ali Eslami$133,700
5Greg Mueller$97,100
6Jeff Madsen$75,400

Along with a half million dollars, Hale has earned a seat in the 2013 WPT World Championship. This concludes PokerNews' recap coverage from the WPT Legends of Poker. We'll see you next time at the Aviation Club in Paris, France.

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Josh Hale Poker

  • Tags

    WPTJeff MadsenGreg MuellerAli Eslami
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    World Poker Tour
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    Jeff MadsenGreg MuellerAli Eslami

Josh Hale Poker Tournament

CountryPlacePrizeGPI PointsPOY Points
10-Sep-2020United States$ 250 No Limit Hold'em - SuperStack (Event #6)
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5th $ 2,904 58.9558.95
23-Jun-2019United States$ 800 No Limit Hold'em - Deepstack 8-Handed (Event #53)
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506th $ 1,281 24.26
11-Jun-2019United States$ 1,000 No Limit Hold'em (Event #28)
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21st $ 11,095 37.77
26-Jul-2018United States$ 200 + 50 No Limit Hold'em - Quantum
Card Player Poker Tour VI - CPPT, Oceanside
93rd $ 505 2.82
16-Jun-2018United States$ 1,000 No Limit Hold'em - Double Stack (Event #34)
49th World Series of Poker - WSOP 2018, Las Vegas
739th $ 1,598 5.35
26-Apr-2018United States$ 200 + 50 No Limit Hold'em - Quantum
Card Player Poker Tour VI - CPPT, Oceanside
69th $ 610 3.05
08-Feb-2018United States$ 570 No Limit Hold'em - Double Stack #39
World Poker Tour - WPT L.A. Poker Classic, Los Angeles
64th $ 1,570 5.34
14-Dec-2017Uruguay$ 550 No-Limit Hold'em - Freezeout ( Ring Event #6 )
WSOP International Circuit - WSOPC Punta del Este, Punta del Este
7th $ 1,530 4.40
29-Jul-2017United States$ 200 + 40 No Limit Hold'em - (Event #3)
World Poker Tour - WPT Legends of Poker, Los Angeles
101st $ 692
01-Jul-2017United States$ 888 No Limit Hold'em - Crazy Eights (Event #60)
48th World Series of Poker - WSOP 2017, Las Vegas
1055th $ 1,332
20-Apr-2017United States$ 200 + 50 No Limit Hold'em - Quantum
2017 Card Player Poker Tour - Ocean's 11, Oceanside
19th $ 1,885
07-Mar-2017United States$ 580 No Limit Hold'em #3
WSOP Circuit - WSOPC Bicycle Casino, Los Angeles
12th $ 1,240
26-Jan-2017United States$ 200 + 50 No Limit Hold'em Quantum
2017 Card Player Poker Tour - Ocean's 11, Oceanside
31st $ 795
19-Nov-2016United States$ 1,100 No Limit Hold'em Big Bounties #9
LA Poker Open, Los Angeles
2nd $ 3,780
08-Sep-2016United States$ 300 No Limit Hold'em - Kick Start Deep Stack (Event #1)
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2nd $ 24,683
21-Apr-2016United States$ 200 + 40 No Limit Hold'em
2016 Card Player Poker Tour - Ocean's 11, Oceanside
4th $ 19,465
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54th $ 4,350
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40th $ 838
29-May-2015United States$ 565 No Limit Hold'em The Colossus (Event #5)
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656th $ 4,474
17-Mar-2015United States$ 365 Pot Limit Omaha #11
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1st $ 8,065
03-Mar-2015United States$ 2,140 8 Game Mix
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4th $ 10,640
03-Feb-2015United States$ 240 No Limit Hold'em
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36th $ 540
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3rd $ 91,730
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80th $ 1,500
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3rd $ 1,105
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5th $ 35,000
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